Solar Plus Program


We will write the application for free!

  • In the framework of the Napenergia Plusz Program, you can apply for a solar panel system and energy storage equipment with a non-refundable state grant of 66%.
  • The amount of support is a maximum of 66% of the costs of the investment, but no more than HUF 5 million, i.e. the investment can be a maximum of HUF 7.5 million.
  • The total amount is HUF 75.8 billion.
  • A maximum of 15,160 projects can win, i.e. there can be this many winning households in total.
  • The order of the application is important for the assessment.
  • Application pre-registration can be submitted from January 15, 2024.
  • Only new investment can be supported, expansion and/or replacement of an existing system is not.
  • The installation of household-sized small power plants (HMKE) with inverters with a minimum output of 4 kW and a maximum output of 5 kW can be supported.
  • Storage capacity: maximum 7.5 kWh, maximum 10 kWh.
  • The support can cover a maximum of 66% of the eligible costs, up to HUF 5,000,000.
  • The power of the solar panels can be a maximum of 120% of the power of the inverter.
  • Property owners or beneficial individuals with Hungarian citizenship who have a tax identification number (so companies and foreign citizens cannot apply and cannot be among the owners of the property).
  • Who has no tax or public debt. (You may not have overdue taxes or public debts that are recoverable in the form of taxes that are more than 60 days old, unless the tax authorities have allowed deferred payment or payment in installments.)
  • Those who do not have an ongoing solar panel investment.

You are not entitled to submit a grant application if you:

  • has an overdue tax or a public debt that can be collected in the form of taxes that is overdue, except if the tax authority has granted deferred payment or installment payments, or who has a debt under the title of traditional own resources of the European Union;
  • whose residential real estate enterprise (individual enterprise, sole proprietorship, public partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, limited liability company, etc.) has its headquarters, location, or branch office;
  • among the owners of the residential property intended for investment is someone who also has a business (individual business, sole proprietorship, general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, limited liability company, etc.).
  • The first step is pre-registration on the application interface, which you or your authorized representative can do through our Customer Portal. The evaluation takes place in the order of pre-registration, but this does not mean that the application is submitted.
    For pre-registration, you need to submit several documents:
    Ownership sheet or sheets, documents related to usufructuary rights, if the property is encumbered with such, lease agreement and declaration of consent of the lessor, if it is a leased property, power of attorney, if the application was submitted by an authorized representative, personal documents, the most recent electricity bill before submitting the pre-registration application , other relevant documents that are necessary for the assessment of the pre-registration application.
  • After successful pre-registration, you can submit the application for tender support, but for this you need proof of the submission of the application for connection to the electricity provider and the business contract.

You should act as soon as possible, because the evaluation takes place in the order in which the application is submitted, which requires an accepted pre-registration, and for this you need to obtain a number of documents, as well as proof of the submission of the electricity supplier's connection permit.

There are several options for when and how much you have to pay. What all options have in common is the payment schedule.

Payment is made in three stages:

  • Advance payment: Based on a contractor contract, either you pay or the Sponsor (i.e. the state) pays. The extent of this depends on who pays.
  • Interim payment: When the report is ready, the contractor issues a partial invoice for 80% of the gross commitment price set in the business contract, and this must be settled, which is paid jointly by the Beneficiary and the Supporter.
  • Final payment: After confirmation of acceptance and commissioning by the distribution network operator (DSO – i.e. the electricity provider), the contractor issues the final invoice for 20% of the gross commitment price fixed in the business contract, the payment of which is also divided between the Applicant and the Supporter. The sponsored portion of the preparation and tender amounts (66%) is paid by the Sponsor to the Applicant.

Act now, as the evaluation takes place in the order in which the application is submitted! Accepted pre-registration and a number of other documents are also required for the application, as well as proof of the electricity supplier's connection permit.

Due to the short deadline for submitting the application and the need for multifaceted documentation, choose our professional support, as part of which we will guide you through the entire application process free of charge!



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